Issue 1
Our first issue ‘The BLT’, included stories of lettuce-growing in space to documenting what happens in the clean-up of the infamous tomato smashing ‘La Tomatina’ festival.

Bread is life. It’s one of the cornerstones of civilization. The term “making dough” derives from bread, because to earn one’s living is to earn one’s bread.
On 8 May 2014 a crop of red romaine lettuce (Outredgeous) flew in space as the first veggie unit of NASAVeg-01A. This was the beginning of a project to grow vegetables in space.
Max Halley is proprietor of Max’s Sandwich Shop, North London, and author of ‘Max’s Sandwich Book: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Perfection Between Two Slices of Bread.’
That first bite was a revelation. It was like hearing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ for the first time. That combination of salt, fat and crunch was an irresistible compression of flavors.
Inês Neto dos Santos is a multidisciplinary artist who was born in Lisbon, is now based in London, and travels across the globe with her fascinating and unique project.
My unease around Spam began in the first decade of my life, when mass-produced meat of uncertain provenance caused widespread panic.
At the beginning of Lynne Ramsay’s 2008 film, We Need to Talk About Kevin, Tilda Swinton’s character, a harried mother who may have given birth to a devil child, is seen rising up from a cascade of ripe, red tomatoes.
I did not expect to be so gripped by stories from the butcher’s counter. But listening to the stories of three female butchers, Charlotte Mitchell, Jessica Wragg, and Tilly Paul, it became clear how acutely modern anxieties intersect…